Move your cursor on the pork diagram to learn more about the pork cuts!
The pork belly delivers popular favourites such as bacon, pancetta and braised belly. You can also g ... read more
The lean cuts of meat that come from a pig’s legs are a versatile choice. This is where cooked and ... read more
The pork loin forms the back of the pig and is attached to the back ribs and the tenderloin. It is a ... read more
The shoulder blade is one of the most flavourful cuts of the pig, making it a very popular choice fo ... read more
This part of the pig is often smoked, used for roasts, or to make ground pork and sausages. Moist he ... read more
Pork ribs are very flavorful and when cooked properly, their tenderness and juiciness can’t be bea ... read more
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* 食譜來自 Put Pork on Your Fork!
豬側排的味道濃厚,只要烹調得宜,即可煮出鮮嫩多汁的佳餚。豬側排的可塑性很高, 無論是烤、燒、煙燻還是焗,一樣嫩滑可口,令人回味無窮!...更多
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Served these at a party and everyone thought these were good.
Served these at a party and everyone thought these were good.