What makes Sakura Farms Premium Pork special?


All Sakura Farms Premium Pork is:

  • Raised without the use of Ractopamine
  • Vegetable grain fed
  • Produced from CQA (Canadian Quality Assurance) Certified Canadian Farms
  • Processed at Canadian Federally Registered Establishments

What is Ractopamine?


Ractopamine is a drug belonging to the beta-adrenergic agonist family. It is used as a feed additive to reduce the number of days to market, promote leanness, and increase carcass weights in hogs, while reducing the feed intake.

Does Sakura Farms Premium Pork contain any Ractopamine?


Sakura Farm Premium Pork does not contain any Ractopamine.
In fact, Sakura Farms producers do not use any Ractopamine during the life cycle of Sakura Farms pigs.

What does CQA mean for hog farms?


The Canadian Quality Assurance (CQA) program is Canada‘s on-farm food safety and quality assurance system based on the internationally recognized HACCP (Hazard analysis and critical control points) principles. HACCP is a systematic food safety program based on the inspection of physical, chemical, biological hazards throughout the process in order to prevent the presence of any defects in the finished product.

Not all hog farms in Canada participate in the CQA program. However, not only do all of the farms contributing to the production of Sakura Farms Premium Pork participate in the CQA program but they must also be validated every year for compliance.

What is CFIA?


The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is a federal government regulatory agency dedicated to the safeguarding of food as well as animal and plant health.

What is a federally registered establishment?


Federally registered establishments are regulated by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
at the federal level.

This allows all federally registered establishments to:

  • Distribute meat products between provinces
  • Export products to international markets

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) performs inspection activities in all federally registered meat establishments. This is done to verify that meat products are manufactured in accordance with the Meat Inspection Act and the Meat Inspection Regulations.

Furthermore all federally registered establishments are required to have a fully implemented HACCP program, which is audited on continual basis by the CFIA.

Does Sakura Farms Premium Pork contain antibiotics?


All Sakura Farms Premium Pork is produced at federally registered facilities.

Antibiotics are administered only when necessary. However as per CFIA and Health Canada requirements all hogs undergo a withdrawal period prior to slaughter that meets and exceeds all regulatory requirements. This ensures that there are no antibiotic residues found on any Sakura Farms products as per CFIA requirements.